who lives the maddest bvacation/b another road another trial where's the difference tell me right. You can't stop me. I love the world with all its lies. You can't stop me. I'm close enough to kiss the sky keep it to myself keep it to myself ... autor: Sandra bNasic/b. Pokaż cały tekst piosenki. Komentarze (0). Komentarz został dodany. Napisz kolejny komentarz. Zaloguj się aby móc dodawać komentarze. pozostało znaków: 1000. Pole nie może być puste. Trwa wysyłanie komentarza. ...
Maybe he truly is on bvacation/b and that it's to his credit that he'll be showing-up next week. Hanson also is apparently "under the weather," and another reason he said he refused an invitation is because he doesn't think Congress gives b....../b See the bNAS Ice/b core thread for other evidence Lee refers to all the time. Lee told me oxygen isotopes had nothing to do with sea level studies (when I knew they did) Then *Silence* after Paul Dennis came onboard and it turned out to ...